Messages From Andromeda IV

I listen to you scream inside my head, because somehow, in my head, you're always screaming. Not in a bad way, just that you overpower most, if not all, of the resident daemons. My jacket smells like you...
Yeah, so I almost got creamed this morning. Turns out mom went home last, I whipped out the IHOP Insomnia Excuse, and everything was ok. I told her Green drove me home...once again, not that far from reality, when you think about the way things might have gone.
My hands smell like you, and i am so afraid that i will not see you tonight, which is a dreadful shame because i want to share the most fabulous several pieces of music with you. Wow...I think i switched topics a good two or three times in that one sentence...aishiture, dearest Puck...or if you prefer, mi luri yai. love is such a useless word, yet oft i find it is all i have. :::excellent nontranslatable onomatopoeic::: [expletive] linguistic abuse!!
I would love to clatter at you until my fingers turn blue, but i have a test tomorrow, and i need some sleep.

-- c0demuse
Friday, 11.6.98
2:35 pm

Apartment Door