Aubergine Sandwich Submitted by: Thoth | Date Added: 30 May 2022


<ul><li>1 onion</li><li>~1-2T minced garlic<br></li><li>~1/3 c sliced celery</li><li>½ aubergine, minced</li><li>1 tomato, diced</li><li>½ green pepper sliced thin<br></li><li>2-3T oil</li><li>~1/3 c bread crumbs</li><li>~½ c pasta sauce (plus a little more for serving)</li><li>~1/3 c shredded cheese</li><li>2 sandwich rolls<br></li><li>dill, oregano, basil, to taste</li></ul>

Cooking Instructions

<p>Sauté all the veg but the peppers in a medium pan with seasonings and
oil. When the eggplant is edible – ~15m – add the bread crumbs and pasta
sauce. Mix well and cook another 5 minutes or so, until all the liquid
is either absorbed or cooked off. Cut the middle out of the sandwich
rolls and stuff them with the veg filling. Top with more sauce and
cheese, and microwave to melt cheese, if necessary. Add peppers and
cover with removed centre section of bread. (depicted sandwich is still