Buttered Wortes Submitted by: Thoth | Date Added: 29 May 2022


<ul><li>4 ounces Butter</li><li>8 cups Asst'd Leafy Greens</li><li>1 dash Salt</li><li>1 cup Bread</li></ul>

Cooking Instructions

<p>Cover greens with water; add butter and bring to a boil; add salt.
Reduce heat & cook until vegetables are tender; drain. Place diced
bread or croutons in serving bowl and cover with cooked greens.</p>
<p>Wortes were vegetable greens and members of the onion family, such
as cabbage leaves, spinach, beet greens, leeks, etc., as well as the
plants used for seasonings and spices: borage, parsley, sage, and so