LangMaker Seeds

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In order to generate a language and its dialects, LangMaker needs certain information, like what letters to use in what patterns or which transformations to apply to the original language. This page contains some starter sets, based on real and fantasy languages. Some of these are extracted from the LangMaker wizard, because the wizard isn't usable with alternate base files, and I personally prefer the Latin base.

Sadly, you can't copy-paste from a wiki table into LangMaker, so please use the supplied text files if you find a seed you like, or download this spreadsheet with all of them.

Note: LangMaker has only basic Latin characters, numbers, and punctuation, meaning extended ASCII and UTF-8 cannot be displayed by the program. For that reason, certain diacritics are replaced with punctuation in the New Language Wizard and seed files. In the final version of your language, please convert these back to the appropriate diacritics. If you need to copy the letters to Find/Replace, you can find a list here.

LangMaker Diacritic
/ acute (á)
\ grave (à)
^ circumflex (â)
: umlaut (ä)
~ tilde (ã)
- macron (ā)
