LangMaker Seeds/Ancient Greek

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This language seed will produce something that feels like it's in the same family as Ancient Greek.

Note: LangMaker has only basic Latin characters, numbers, and punctuation, meaning extended ASCII and UTF-8 cannot be displayed by the program. For that reason, certain diacritics are replaced with punctuation in the New Language Wizard and seed files. In the final version of your language, please convert these back to the appropriate diacritics. If you need to copy the letters to Find/Replace, you can find a list here.

LangMaker Diacritic
/ acute (á)
\ grave (à)
^ circumflex (â)
: umlaut (ä)
~ tilde (ã)
- macron (ā)

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Patterns: Consonants (C) Vowels (V) Finals (F) Biliterals (B) Initials (I)
VCVCF b a a/ ng kr
VCVBF b a os ll bl
VBVCF g a os lph h
CVCF g a os thl gr
CVCF g a ion sth kl
CVBF d a/ on sch pl
CVBF d e e/ rt pl
CVF d e ia ndr pr
CV d e ia nthr st
CVCVCF z e ei nt sph
CVCVBF th e/ w thn tr
CVBVCF th e/ e/s kt phth
IVCF th e/ a/s mm chr
IVCF k i ios rg kl
IVBF k i ios st chr
IVCVCF k i os st
IVCVBF k i/ e/ st
IVBVCF l o e/ st
IVF l o os sp
CVF l o omai kn
VCF l o iwn rch
VCF l o is rx
VBVF m o omi phr
VBF m w omi rb
VCF m w omai lt
CVCF m w os gn
CVCVF m u e/ sk
CVCF n u/ sk
VCF n ai sk
VCF n ai xp
VCVCF n ai tt
n ei nch
n ei lp
ch ei mp
ch oi mp
ch au nn
x eu nn
p eu ll
p ou nn
p ou ll
p a ll
p a mm
r a mm
r a rm
r a rch
r o chth
r o tr
r o pp
s o rd
s o mb
s o nth
s e
s e
s e
s e
s e/
t e/
t e/
t i
t i
t i
t w
ph w
ph w
ph i/
ps u

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