Oddly Lengthy List of Egyptian Deities
Aker | The double lion god, guardian of the sunrise and sunset. Guardian of the peaks that supported the sky. |
Am-heh | Egyptian chthonic underworld god |
Amon | Usually associated with the wind, or things hidden, and was also of the Hermopolitian Ogdoad. At Thebes he became Amon-Re, king of the gods. He was part of the Theban Triad, along with Mut and Khonsu. |
Andjety | Egyptian underworld god. Andjety was responsible for the rebirth of the individual in the afterlife. He wore a high conical crown surmounted by two feather plumes, and bore the crook and flail. Andjety was associated with Osiris, whose symbols were also the crook and flail, as well as the atef crown, which resembled that worn by Andjety. His worship originated in the ninth Nome of Lower Egypt. Both Osiris and him had their main cult center at Busiris. Also Anezti, Anedjti. |
Antaios | He was originally a double god, "the two falcons", that was later joined to create one, probably that of Horus. |
Anhur | Egyptian warrior and hunter god. His consort was the lion goddess Mekhit. He was depicted as a bearded warrior wearing a long robe and a headdress with four tall plumes, often bearing a spear. Mekhit is often shown accompanying him. Anhur was the champion of Egypt who hunted and slew the enemies of Ra. Occasionally equated with the god Shu and with Ares by the Ptolemaic Greeks. Anhur was the Divine Huntsman. His cult originated in the Upper Egyptian city of Thinis, near Abydos, but his main cult center was at Sebennytos in the Nile Delta. Also Anhert, Anhuret; in Greek, Onuris. |
Anti | An Egyptian guardian deity. Depicted as a falcon or with a falcon's head, often standing on a crescent-shaped boat. |
Anubis | The jackal-headed god of embalming, also known as Anpu. He is sometimes said to be the son of the god Osiris, the first king or pharaoh on earth, and his sister Nephthys. After Osiris was killed by his brother Seth, Anubis embalmed the body and wrapped it in linen bandages making Osiris the first mummy. Anubis later defended the corpse against the attacks of Seth. After death Osiris became ruler of the underworld. Anubis, as one of the most important officials, guided the deceased through the underworld into the presence of Osiris and oversaw their judgment. |
Apep | A great serpent or dragon of the underworld, also known as Apophis. Apep, lord of darkness, was the arch-enemy of the sun god and attacked his barque every night as it travelled through the underworld. The barque was successfully defended by the hosts of the dead, led by Seth, the strongest of the gods. |
Apedemak | A Nubian Lion god |
Apis | Seen as the bull with a solar disk between its horns, Apis was associated with Osiris and Ptah. |
Aton | Also known as Aten, he was worshipped at Tell 'Amarna. |
Atum | A primordial god that was represented in the form of a human and a serpent. He was the supreme god in the Heliopolitan Ennead (group of nine gods) and formed with Re to create Re-Atum. Like other creator deities, the god represented a totality which contained both male and female. He caused the first division into male and female when he put his semen in his mouth and sneezed or spat it out, creating the first divine couple, Shu and Tefenet. As Re-Atum, he represented the evening sun. |
Ba | Early ram god of Mendes in Lower Egypt. He was a fertility deity whom women worshipped in the hope that he would aid them in conceiving children. |
Babi | Egyptian demonic god. Depicted as a baboon with an erect penis. Babi was both a dangerous god, but was also associated with sexual prowess in the afterlife. As a demonic god he was said to live on human entrails. He is mentioned in the Books of the Dead where he attends the ceremony of the Weighing of the Heart in the Hall of the Two Truths. He waits with Ammut to devour the souls of those found unworthy. His penis was depicted being employed as the mast of the underworld ferry. |
Banebdjedet | Ram god of Lower Egypt. His consort was the fish goddess Hatmehyt. He was the father of Harpokrates. In one tradition, he interceded in the contest between Horus and Set for the Egyptian throne. Banebdejedet advised the gods to consult the goddess Neith. Neith advised the gods to award the throne to Horus. In this account, he was said to reside on the island of Seheil near the first cataract of the Nile at Aswan, but generally his cult was centered on Mendes in the Nile Delta. He was depicted with the head of a ram. Also Ba Neb Tetet, Banebdedet, Baneb Djedet, Banaded. |
Ba-Pef | "That Soul." Minor Egyptian god of malevolent aspect. |
Behedti | Egyptian god in the form of a crouching falcon. Worshipped at Behdet (Edfu), he later was identified as a local form of the god Horus. |
Bennu | An aspect of Ra-Atum in the form of a phoenix. Bennu was the patron of the reckoning of time and carrier of eternal light from the abode of the gods to the world of men. |
Bes | A protective deity. Bes, usually portrayed as a hideous but jovial dwarf, was revered as the god of pleasure and entertainment and as a protector of the family, especially of children and women in childbirth. |
Chenti-cheti | Originally an Egyptian crocodile god, he later took on the form of a falcon. |
Chenti-irti | Falcon-god of law and order identified with Horus. |
Cherti | Ram god and ferryman of the dead. His cult was centered on Letopolis. |
Chons | Egyptian moon god; the son of Amun and Mut. Normally depicted as a young man in the posture of a mummy. |
Chontamenti | A god of the dead and the land of the west. He was represented as a crouching dog/jackal |
Dua | The Egyptian god of toiletry. |
Duamutef | God of the deceased's stomach. Also Tuamutef. |
Geb | The god of the Earth, the offspring of Shu, the god of air, and Tefenet, the goddess of wetness and water. |
Ha | God of the west and the western desert. Because the entrance to the underworld was in the western desert, he plays a part in the death cult. He is shown as a human with a hieroglyph that represents the west on his head. |
Hapi | God of the Nile. Mostly associated with the annual floods, the inundation (which was responsible for the fertility of the land adjacent to the river). Although he had no specific cult centers, Hapi was believed to live in caves near the Nile cataracts. His court included a retinue of crocodile-gods and a harem of frog-goddesses. Depicted in human form with a large belly, female breasts (which indicated his powers of nourishment), a beard, colored blue or green, and a clump of aquatic plants. He often bore a tray of produce symbolizing the abundance and prosperity brought by the Nile floods. |
Harakhti | God of the morning sun. His name means 'Horus of the Horizon.' He is a manifestation of Horus. The Pharaoh was supposedly born on the eastern horizon as Harakhti and to rule over the eastern and western horizon in that form. In Heliopolis he combined with Re and was worshipped as Re-Harakhti. He was depicted in the form of a falcon. |
Harnedjitef | A guardian god and a manifestation of Horus. In this form, he guards Osiris in the underworld and is called 'Horus the savior of his father.' Harnedjitef also protects the dead and is portrayed as a falcon on sarcophagi. |
Haremakhet | "Horus upon the Horizon" also known as Her-Akhety, "Horus of the Two Horizons." A manifestation of Horus where he figures as a sun god (identified with Re-Her-Akhety). Later the sphinx of Giza represented "Horus of the Morning Sun" because it/he looked toward the eastern horizon. |
Harmerti | Horus' name, as the falcon-god 'with the two eyes,' which represented the sun and the moon. Harmerti was also worshipped as the hero that restrains monsters. |
Haroeris | "The Elder Horus." Horus, when he reaches maturity, and avenges his father, Osiris, against his enemy, Seth. In this form, Horus defeats Seth and seizes the throne of Egypt. . |
Harpakhered | "Horus the Child." This was Horus as a young boy, not Horus as an adult. He is portrayed as a naked child with a finger in his mouth, sitting on a lotus flower or on the knee of his mother Isis. He was invoked to ward off dangerous creatures. He was also a vegetation god and was portrayed with a jar or a horn of plenty. |
Harsaiset | This was Horus as the son of Isis and a guardian deity. In the Osiris-myth he was born when Isis impregnated herself by her deceased husband, Osiris. Isis protects Horus as a child. The Pyramid texts state that Har-sa-iset performed the rite of the 'opening of the mouth' on the dead pharaoh, ensuring that the pharaoh would have the use of his faculties in the afterlife. |
Har-mau | "Horus the Uniter." Horus when he achieves the uniting of the kingdoms of Upper and Lower Egypt. |
Horus | The earliest royal god was the shape of a falcon, with the sun and moon as his eyes. The sky-god was the ruler of the day. According to one myth, Horus had sovereignty over the whole of Egypt. His rival and brother, Seth, had dominion over Upper Egypt. In their struggle for control over land, the two brothers dismembered each other. The many forms of Horus are; Re-Harakhti, Harsiesis, Haroeris, Harendotes, Khenti-irti, Khentekhtay (the crocodile-god), and Harmakhis, which is Horus on the horizons, in which the Sphinx of Giza is considered to be his aspect. |
Hu | The creating word of the sun-god of Heliopolis and a god of authority. With Sia, Hu forms a primeval pair, both born from a drop of blood from the penis of Ra (sometimes by the tears of Ra), and together the personify the wisdom and insight of the sun-god. They also accompany him on his solar barque and help the bring order in chaos. |
Imhotep | An architect and priest-minister of the pharaoh Djoser (27th century BC). Imhotep, a historical figure, was revered as a demi-god of wisdom, medicine and magic. His parents were apparently the creator deity Ptah, the god of crafts and intellect, and a human mother. |
Imiut | A protective deity of the underworld. |
Imsety | God of the deceased's liver, he was protected by Isis; One of the Four Sons of Horus. Also called Amset or Mestha. |
Joh | An Egyptian god of the moon. Also called Jah. |
Kebechsenef | A Son of Horus. He protected the Canopic jar where the viscera of the lower body where kept after mummification. Also called Kebehsenuf, Qebshenuf, or Qebehsenuf. |
Khepry | A divine scarab beetle which was the dawn manifestation of the sun god. Khepry is typically represented pushing the sun up into the the sky, an image derived from the scarab rolling a ball of dung. To the Egyptians, the scarab beetle was a symbol of rebirth, regeneration and transformation. |
Khnum | Resembling a human with a rams head, he was worshipped in Hypselis, Esna, Antinoe and Elephantine. He was said to fashion children out of clay and then place them in the mother's womb. |
Khonsu | the moon god was the son of Amon and Mut. The main temple at Karnak is dedicated to him. |
Maahes | A obscure lion god who may be of foreign origin. Maahes ("True Before Her") was worshipped in Bubastis, Leontopolis, and especially Upper Egypt. He is regarded in later times to be the son of Bastet and Ptah in Memphis. He is sometimes regarded as a son of the triad in Memphis with Nefertem and occasionally Imhotep. Maahes punished the transgressors of Ma'at. His protection was invoked over the innocent. He was represented as either a lion or a man with a lion's head and a knife. Also called Mihos, Miysis. |
Manth | Falcon-headed war god of Upper Egypt. His cult developed at Thebes and spread throughout Egypt under the Theban kings, who expanded the country's borders beginning around 2000 BC. He was the tutelary god of the Theban monarchs, and brought them victory in war. Depicted in human form with the head of a falcon, crowned with the solar disk, the uraeus cobra and two tall plumes, His sacred animal was a white bull with a black face, known as Buchis. After death, the bulls were buried in a necropolis near Hermothis (Armant) known as the Bucheum. His cult centers included Medu (Medamud), Karnak and Hermothis. Also Mont, Mentu, Methu. |
Min | God of fertility coalesced with Amon and Horus. Min was mainly worshipped at Coptos and Akhmim. |
Nefertum | Egyptian god of the primordial lotus blossom . A personification of the blue lotus of which the sun god Ra emerged. In the Pyramid Texts, he was described as the 'lotus blossom on the nose of Ra.' He was usually depicted in human form wearing a headdress topped by a lotus blossom. He could also be depicted with a lion's head when given as the child of the Memphite lion goddess Sekhmet out of her union with Ptah. His major cult center was in Memphis. In Buto, in the Nile Delta region, Nefertum was held to be the child of the cobra goddess Wadjet. Elsewhere his mother was called the cat goddess Bastet. In Greek, Nepthemis. |
Nehebkau | Egyptian snake god of the underworld. Represented either as a serpent with human arms and legs or with a man's body, holding the eye of Horus. In the Pyramid Texts, he was said to be the son of the scorpion goddess Serket. Another tradition made him the son of the earth god Geb and the harvest goddess Renenutet. According to legend, he was tamed by the sun god Ra and thenceforth acted as the god's servant, riding with him in the sun barque. His name was invoked in spells providing protection against snake bites and scorpion stings. Nehebkau protected the dead Pharaoh in the afterlife. |
Nun | Egyptian god who personified the swirling primeval waters/chaos from which the cosmic order was produced. In the beginning there was only Nun. Consort of Naunet and a member of the Ogdoad. He was referred to as the 'father of the gods,' which referred to his primacy in the time rather than any literal parentage. Nun played no part in Egyptian religion rituals and had no temples dedicated to him. Nun was symbolized by the sacred lakes, which were associated with some temples, such as Karnak and Dendara. Depicted in human form holding the solar barque of Ra above his head |
Osiris | He is regarded as the dead king that watches over the nether world and is rejuvenated in his son Horus. As the symbol of eternal life he was worshipped at Abydos and Philae. |
Petbe | The Egyptian god of retaliation. |
Petesuchos | An Egyptian crocodile-god. |
Ptah | Egyptian creator god. Also a god of artisans, designers, builders, metal workers, architects and masons, whose skills he was said to have created. He was the one who created the barque for the dead to sail in. His major cult center was at Memphis. In Memphis and Thebes his consort was the lioness goddess Sekhmet.Together with Sekhmet's son Nefertum, they formed the 'Memphite triad.' His sacred animal was the bull. The Apis bull in Memphis, which acted as an intermediary between the god and humankind, represented Ptah in particular. He was depicted inhuman form, tightly wrapped like a mummy, with a shaven head or wearing a close fitting skull cap, holding the scepter of dominion composed of a 'djed' staff topped by the Ankh (life) symbol. He later coalesced with Sokaris and Osiris. |
Qebehsenuef | God of the deceased's intestines |
Re | He was the sun god of Heliopolis. From the fifth Dynasty onwards he becomes a national god and is combined with the supreme deity Amon. |
Sepa | An Egyptian chthonic god. |
Serapis | He was mainly worshipped in Alexandria and was later worshipped by the Greeks as Zeus. He was never fully accepted by the Egyptians in the Ptolemaic period. |
Sesmu | The Egyptian god of oil and wine pressing. |
Seth | The son of Geb and Nut in the Heliopolitan Ennead was in the form of an animal that has no zoological equivalent, but is often assumed to be a wild ass. This powerful god was regarded as god of the desert, making him a god of foreign lands. |
Shu | He was an ancient cosmic power and was regarded as the god of the air and the bearer of heaven. |
Sobek | He was a crocodile god and was worshipped at the Faiyum and Ombos. During the middle Kingdom he coalesced with Re, Sobek-Re, and was worshipped as primordial deity and creator-god. |
Sokar | Egyptian funerary god of the Memphis necropolis. Depicted in human form with a hawk's head. As early as the Old Kingdom, Sokar came to be regarded as a manifestation of the dead Osiris at Abydos in Upper Egypt. Also in the Old Kingdom, he came to be combined with Ptah as Ptah-Sokar, in which form he took the lioness goddess Sekhmet as his consort. In the Middle Kingdom, the three were sometimes merged in the form Ptah-Sokar-Osiris. Sokar was associated with the manufacture of various objects used in embalming and in funerary rituals. He became a god of the craftsman working in the necropolis at Memphis and ultimately a patron deity of the necropolis itself. He also played a prominent role at Thebes where he was depicted on the royal tombs. An important annual festival was held in his honor at Thebes. The festival celebrated the resurrection of Osiris in the form of Sokar and the continuity of the Egyptian monarchy. At this festival his image wascarried in an elaborate boat known as the 'henu.' Also, Seker; in Greek, Socharis, Sokaris. |
Sopedu | Egyptian god of the eastern frontier (eastern desert). Depicted either in the form of a falcon or as a Asiatic warrior with the Bedouin crowned with tall plumes. He was also the god of the Sinai Peninsula and of the turquoise mines in the Sinai. In the Pyramid Texts he took on an astral aspect. Impregnating Isis in her manifestation as the star Sirius, whose appearance in July heralded the annual inundation of the Nile. Isis subsequently gave birth to the composite deity Sopedu-Horus. His primary cult center was at Saft el-Henna in the northeastern Nile delta. |
Tatenen | "Exalted Earth." Primordial Egyptian god who personified the fertile silt of the Nile. Originally an independent god at Memphis, he was combined with Ptah in his aspect as a creator god. In this form he took on an a androgynous form and was given he epithet 'father of the gods.' He was usually depicted in human form with ram's horns and wearing a feathered crown. As a vegetation god, he could be portrayed with green skin.Tathen, Tatjenen, Tanen, Tenen, Ten) |
*Thoth | Normally depicted with the head of an ibis, he was worshipped as a baboon in Hermopolis. He was the god of sacred writings and wisdom. |
Amaunet | A female counterpart to Amon and one of the primordial gods of the Hermopolitian Ogdoad (group of eight gods). She was also worshipped at Thebes along with Amon and Mut. |
Ammut | "Devouress of the Dead." Demonic goddess who attends the Judging of the Dead. She was depicted as having the head of a crocodile, the torso of a lioness and the hindquarters of a hippopotamus. She waited in the Judgement Hall of the Two Truths during the Weighing of the Heart ceremony, and devoured those who were sinners in life. |
Anat | A female warrior deity of Syrian (Canaanite) origin: She is derived from the goddess Anath. In Egyptian mythology. Anat is the daughter of the solar deity Ra. She was usually depicted carrying a shield, spear and axe. Anat was also a cow goddess. |
Anentet | Egyptian goddess of the West. The west was considered to be the Underworld. Also Amenthes. |
Anuket | Worshipped at Elephantine, she was associated with the gazelle. |
Astarte | A warrior goddess of Middle Eastern origin (her Mesopotamian counterpart was Inanna/Ishtar), said by the Egyptians to be the daughter of the sun god or of the creator god Ptah. Astarte was a wife of the god Seth. |
Ausaas | Wife of Horus. |
Bastet | The Cat-headed goddess of love, sex and fertility. Like the ferocious war goddess Sekhmet, Bastet was originally a lioness deity, but from c.900BC she began to be represented as a cat, perhaps because of her gentler nature. She was sometimes depicted with kittens, which symbolized her role as a fertility deity. Mummified cats were often buried near her shrines. |
Bat | Cow goddess of fertility and primarily a deity of Upper Egypt. She was depicted as a cow or in human form with cow's ears and horns. |
Beset | Egyptian goddess, a female version of Bes. |
Buto | A tutelary goddess of Lower Egypt. Also Edjo, Udjo, Wadjet, Wadjit. |
Chensit | Egyptian goddess of the twentieth nome of Lower Egypt. |
Hathor | The goddess of love, dance and alcohol was depicted as a cow. At Thebes she was also the goddess of the dead. She was worshipped at Dendera as the consort of Horus and Edfu, and was associated with Isis at Byblos. |
Hat-mehyt | Fish goddess of Mendes in the Delta and the consort of Banebdjedet. She was occasionally represented as a woman with a fish on her head. |
Hedetet | A scorpion goddess. |
Heket | A goddess of childbirth and protector of the dead. She is the daughter of Ra and is sometimes called the 'Eye of Ra' and 'Mother of the gods'. She is shown as a frog, a symbol of life and fertility (millions of them are born after the annual inundation of the Nile), or as a woman with a frog's head. Women often wore amulets of her during childbirth. She is regarded as the consort of Khnum. |
Hemsut | The Egyptian goddess of fate. |
Hesat | An Egyptian cow goddess. The ancient Egyptians referred to milk as 'the beer of Hesat.' |
Isdes | She was a goddess of Heliopolis whose name means, "she comes who is great." She was a counterpart to the creator god Atum. Normally depicted wearing a scarab beetle on her head. |
*Isis | The mother of Horus and sister and consort of Osiris was worshipped at Philae. Associated with Astarte, Hathor, Nut and Sothis, she was later worshipped over the entire Roman Empire. |
Kebechet | Goddess who personified the purification through water. Daughter of Anubis, Kebechet plays an important role in the funeral cult. Her appearance is that of a snake. |
Maat | The goddess of truth and justice. Maat, the daughter of the sun god and wife of Thoth, embodied divine order and harmony. She was depicted standing or squatting, with her symbol, an ostrich feather, in her headdress. In the underworld, the heart or the conscience of a dead person was weighed against the feather of Maat; or Truth. If the heart was burdened by sin so that it was heavier than the feather, the deceased was devoured by a monster. If the scales balanced, the deceased became a spirit among the gods. |
Mafdet | The first deity to be mentioned who is half-cat (domesticate). She appears to be associated with the protection of the king's chambers. OR Panther Goddess. Her ferocity prevails over snakes and scorpions. |
Mekhit | A lion goddess and consort of Anhur |
Meret | The Egyptian goddess of song and rejoicing. |
Meretseger | "She who loves silence." Egyptian cobra goddess and protective deity of the Theban necropolis. She was believed to live on a mountain overlooking the Valley of the Kings. Worshiped by the workers at the necropolis, she was believed to poison or blind anyone who committed a crime. Supposedly, this belief was intended to reinforce the taboo against desecrating or robbing the tombs. She was depicted as a coiled cobra or as a cobra with the head of a woman and a single human arm. Her cult died out when the Theban necropolis was abandoned during the XXI Dynasty. |
Mut | Worshipped at Thebes, she was a consort of Amon and part of the Theban Triad (group of three gods). Often portrayed with a vulture's head. |
Naunet | A primal deity embodying the primeval waters. Naunet and her male counterpart Nun formed part of the Ogdoad, eight divinities which personified the forces of chaos. |
Nebethetepet | A goddess whose name means "mistress of the offering." She is a feminine counterpart of the male creative principle of Atum. She supposedly was "namely his Hand with which he brought about the ejaculation that brought the cosmos into being." A goddess of Heliopolis. |
Neith | The great mother goddess. According to one account, she emerged from the Nun, the primordial waters waters, and created deities and humans. When she spat into the Nun her spittle became Apep, the sepent of chaos. She was also the mother of Sobek, the crocodile god. Neith was a formidable figure who was also associated with hunting and warfare. Her sign or emblem was a shield displaying two crossed arrows. The center of her cult was at Sais (modern Sa el-Hagar) in the Nile delta. |
Nekhbet | The vulture goddess of the Southern city of Nekheb (modern el-Kab) and the patron goddess of Upper Egypt. With Wadjet, the patron goddess of Lower Egypt, Nekhbet was the protector of the Egyptian Pharaoh and was often depicted as a vulture hovering with her wings spread above the royal image. She was also the goddess of childbirth, and was identified by the Greeks with the goddess Eileithyia. |
*Nephthys | "Mistress/Lady of the House." A goddess, the daughter of Geb and Nut, sister of Isis, Osiris and Seth. Nephthys, less prominent in Egyptian myth than her siblings, married Seth but produced no children, so she committed adultrey with Osiris and consequently bore the god of embalming, Anubis. She deserted Seth after he had brought about the death of Osiris and then she lamented with Isis over her brother's corpse. It was the custom at Egyptian funerals for two women to impersonate Nephthys and Isis and lament over the body of the deceased. |
Nepit | An Egyptian corn goddess. She is the female counterpart of the god Neper. |
Nut | Mother of the sun, moon and heavenly bodies. |
Pachet | Lioness Goddess of the Eastern Desert and a night huntress. |
Qadesh | A goddess of Syrian origin. Often represented as a woman standing on a lion's back. |
Renenutet | Egyptian cobra goddess. Depicted either as a hooded cobra or in human form with the head of a cobra. Her name seems to have the meaning of nurturing or raising a child, and she was both a goddess associated with motherhood and the tutelary deity of the Pharaoh. Her gaze was said to have the power to vanquish all enemies and also to ensure the fertility of the crops and the bounty of the harvest. She was associated with the magical properties believed to inhere in the linen bandages that wrapped the dead and was known at Edfu as the 'mistress of the robes.' She had an important cult center in the fertile Faiyum region, where she was closely associated with the local crocodile god Sobek. In the Greco-Roman period she was worshipped as the goddess Hermouthis, in which form she came to be combined with Isis. Also Ernutet, Renenet. |
Renpet | The Egyptian goddess of youth and springtime. |
Reret | An Egyptian hippopotamus goddess. |
Satjit | An Egyptian goddess whose primary role was that of a guardian of Egypt's southern (Nubian) frontier and killing the enemies of the Pharaoh with her arrows. As 'Queen of Elephantine' she figures as the consort of Khnum and the mother of Anuket, the three sometimes being referred to as the 'Elephantine's triad.' Depicted in human form wearing the tall conical white crown of Upper Egypt bounded on either side by plumes or antelope horns, holding a scepter and the Ankh (life) symbol. She had a major sanctuary on the island of Sahel near Elephantine (Aswan). She was also associated with the annual inundation of the Nile. |
Selkis | A scorpion-goddess who was identified with the scorching heat of the sun. A protector goddesses, she guarded coffins and Canopic jars. Sometimes shown as a woman with a scorpion on her head. Also Selkit, Selket, Selkhet, Serqet. |
Sekhmet | She was part of the Memphite Triad with Ptah and Nefertem. She was the mistress of war and sickness. |
Sentait | A cow goddess. |
Serket | "She who causes the throat to breathe." Egyptian scorpion goddess. Depicted in human form with a scorpion-shaped headdress or with a scorpion body and a human head. She was an early tutelary deity of the Egyptian monarchs. Serket was associated with mortuary rites and helped guard the Canopic jars in which the viscera of the dead were placed. From this association she came to be a tutelary goddess of the dead. She was called upon in Egyptian magic to advert venomous bites and stings. |
*Seshat | The goddess of writing; the divine keeper of royal annals. Was represented as a woman. |
Shait | An Egyptian goddess of destiny. |
Sopdet | Egyptian goddess who personified the Dog Star, Sirius. The appearance of Sirius at dawn in July (called the helical rising) heralds the annual inundation of the Nile. She naturally became associated with fertility and prosperity resulting from the annual floods. Depicted in human form, wearing the tall conical white crown of Upper Egypt, surmounted by a star. In a fourth century BC papyrus, Isis identifies herself with Sothis as she laments the death of Osiris and vows to follow him in his manifestation as the constellation Orion. |
Tasenetnofret | She was the consort of Horus when he was Har-wer ("Horus the Elder"). |
Tawret | "The Great One." Egyptian hippopotamus goddess and protective deity of childbirth, also protectress of rebirth into the afterlife. She was depicted with the head of a hippopotamus, the legs and arms of a lion, the tail of a crocodile, human breasts, and a swollen belly. This appearance was meant to frighten off any spirits that might be harmful to the child. She was often depicted holding the Sa, amulet symbolizing protection. As a protective deity of childbirth, she was often depicted in the company of the dwarf god Bes, who ad a similar function. Taweret was the most popular among ordinary Egyptians as a protectress. Pregnant women commonly wore amulets bearing the goddess' image. Also Taueret, Taurt, Apet, Opet. |
Tefnut | Primeval Egyptian goddess personifying moisture, particularly in the forms of dew, rains and mist. According to the Heolopolitan cosmology, she was the daughter of Atum (sun), sister-wife of Shu (air) and the mother of Geb (earth) and Nut (sky). Tefnut could take on the role of the 'eye of Ra' (Ra being another form of her sun god father), in which case she was depicted as a lioness or in human form with the head of a lioness. She could also be depicted as a snake coiled about a scepter. In the Pyramid Texts she was said to create pure water from her vagina. Her principal sanctuary was at Heliopolis. Tefnut and Shu were also worshipped as a pair of lions at Leontopolis in the Nile delta. Also Tefnet, Tefenet. |
Tenenit | The Egyptian goddess of beer. |
Unut | An Egyptian rabbit-goddess. |
Wosyet | The protector goddess of the young. |
Zenenet | The goddess of Hermonthis. |
Heh and Hauhet | A pair of primal deities embodying infinity. They formed part of the group of eight divinities known as the Ogdoad. |
Kek and Kauket | A pair of primal deities embodying darkness. They formed part of the group of eight divinities known as the Ogdoad. |
List compiled by Primavera Strange : 10.20.00 |