Stardate Calculator
Date results for today:
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Stardate, in ST XI, is based on the Earth year. It is expressed as the year, followed by the numerical day of the year. Examples, obviously, are above.
What's wrong with this?The Federation uses stardates as a standard, across the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. The Federation also isn't a strictly Human organization, although Earth was among the founding members. (Humans, Vulcans, Andorians, and Tellarites) So, if the length of days and years differs between these worlds, why is Earth time the standard? This is left sadly unexplained.
Prior stardate systems were relatively arbitrary, not only in root, but in conversions from one episode to the next, making it difficult for fans -- or even the shows' creators -- to determine a stardate for the date and time they wished to represent. This, of course, is equally stupid, but slightly less Human-centric.
In short, I think an arbitrary core with a standard rate of conversion is necessary. The base of the system doesn't need to make sense to the average user, but consistency and the potential for indefinite continuity (which is lacking in the TNG-VOY system) should make it possible to create a conversion algorithm that remains accurate to any time or date.
What about past dates and the Julian-Gregorian conversion?Why in the shit do you even want a stardate before 1583?
But, seriously, I don't know. Ten days were "deleted" from October of 1582 -- the day after the fourth was the fifteenth -- javascript does not have native handling for that. Once I get a clue, I will add in corrections for dates prior to October 15, 1582. (This has been attempted, but appears not to be working...)